Master of Science (MSc) in Urban Studies

Overview of admissions:

The MSc and MPhil graduate programmes in Urban Studies are housed at the Centre for Urban Management Studies. The duration of (MSc) in Urban Studies programme is 12 months (2 semesters), while (MPhil) in Urban Studies is 24 months (4 semesters ). An independent MPhil thesis must be submitted for evaluation in the final year of study, that is, Year 2. Besides, MPhil students are required to do a minimum of two seminars to earn a total of 6 credits during the period of their study. The MPhil programme is recommended for individuals who want to pursue a career in teaching or research and may later pursue doctorate degrees.

Aims and Objectives:

These MSc and MPhil programmes are aimed at providing theoretical/technical and field-based knowledge, allowing its products to prepare themselves for the emerging job market on different aspects of the urban question.

The objectives of the programmes are: To respond to the growing need for knowledge in studies for national development; To provide a tool-kit for the next generation of practitioners and academics in urban studies; To build institutional capacity for research, knowledge production and training in urban studies; To provide evidence-based reports on city processes and dynamics for sustainable urban management; To support policy interventions and engage in advocacy programmes for building resilient cities.

Career Prospects: 

There will be a ready market for the graduate of this programme in sectors such as Government (MMDAs, MDAs etc) with development, spatial and physical planning focus; Housing and Real Estate; Urban Resource Management; Teaching and Research; Consultancy Services; Health Services; Transportation Sector; Non-governmental organisations; Environmental policy and planning; Waste management; and the Security services.

Entry Requirement:

A good first degree (at least a Second Lower) in the Social Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Architecture, Health Sciences, Natural Sciences Law, Business Administration and Communication Studies is the basic requirement. Applicants may be required to pass an entrance examination, and/or attend a selection interview to gain admission. Applicants with a third class may be considered for admission based on work experience and/or other qualifications.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Urban Studies

Overview of admissions:

The PhD Urban Studies programme is a full-time programme of four years (8 semesters) and is housed at the Centre for Urban Management Studies.   

Aims and Objectives:

Structured for success around taught courses and research work, the PhD in Urban Studies programme is designed to nurture high academic achievements through lectures, seminars, class presentations, and thesis writing on cities. The programme further aims to offer students the opportunity to study selected courses and learn and apply the latest theories and methods in urban studies. A vital element of the programme is an independent submission of a thesis that demonstrates advanced knowledge in urban studies by students.

The objectives of the PhD programme in Urban Studies are as follows: To develop new methods of understanding urban dynamics through research and training;  To promote research into new and innovative urban management techniques;  To enrich student knowledge of emerging urban development challenges in the context of sustainable development, e.g., the impact of climate change on cities, the new climate economy and the focus on green infrastructure; To provide students with the basis for an independent, creative and critical appreciation of research as well as providing practice in communicating research outcomes on cities in academic and other fora that demonstrate African perspectives and knowledge in urban studies; To contribute towards achieving the University’s strategic vision of being a world-class research-intensive institution.

Career Prospects: 

There will be a ready market for the graduate of this programme in sectors such as Government (MMDAs, MDAs etc) with development, spatial and physical planning focus; Housing and Real Estate; Urban Resource Management; Teaching and Research; Consultancy Services; Health Services; Transportation Sector; Non-governmental organisations; Environmental policy and planning; Waste management; and the Security services.

Entry Requirement:

Admission into the PhD Urban Studies programme is extended to students with a master’s degree in Urban Studies, Architecture, Planning, Geography, Sociology, Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Law, Business Administration and other related disciplines. Applicants may be required to attend and pass a selection interview to gain admission into the programme.